Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Really Geico? So That is your definition of a Caveman?

Well, you all know the Spiel. Geico airs the ad showing that getting auto insurance from Geico is so easy that even a caveman can do it. It is such a hit, their next series of ads show cavemen getting all offended about how they are portrayed on TV.

Funny. Cute. Intelligent.And Geico gains a lot of customers.

 But not me, Geico, not me. I knowingly refuse to submit to your innovative and humorous ads. Want to know why? Well, it is simple really - look at your depiction of a caveman and then travel around the world. It's that easy.

Still not getting it? Ok, let me explain. What is your definition of a caveman? An ordinary bloke, probably with a decent job and a happy life, living in the modern world with just a minor, off putting  detail. And what is it that makes him a caveman? Hair, and lots of it. Let me tell you something - there are parts of the world where there are men who do have lots of hair - not just on the head, on their bodies and face. Mostly they are of Arabic or South Asian descent. I happen to be the in latter category.

When I grew up, chest hair used to be the sign of a real man. As a teenager, I watched each hair follicle grow into a sign of manhood like a gardener watching his garden flourish. I couldn't wait until I could flaunt it all and woo all the beautiful girls waiting to get a glimpse of it. That is, until "Nair for Men" and  "Six pack Abs" became the new normal. So as things would turn out, I missed the train by a couple of years  and that slight shift in trend morphed my fountain of youth into a malfunctioning shower head. Thanks, fashion trends, and good riddance.

So now I am in my late thirties, wearing turtle necks in the sweltering summer (that's right - its like the border fence trying to block all the illegal aliens - in this case, the body hair trying to catch a glimpse of sunlight)  and out you come with this ad to remind me that I am not evolved much from the ape and that I am as close to a caveman that you can get.

No GEICO, I will not sell my dignity even if that means I get 15% or more off of my car insurance by spending 15 minutes.NO WAY.

For 20%, I am willing to talk.

Picture Courtesy:


Kamal said...

In my opinion, it just shows how much closer men are to apes when compared with women. The more body hair you have, the less evolved you are. :)

Scribbler said...

@Kamal - :) Good point, but hold on before you generalize - I guess we would really know the evolution meter on everybody when we take away all the beauty products and Brazilian wax!

UL said...

ha ha :) never really got that ad to be honest...about body hair, thank your lucky stars that you are a bloke...not a girl...body hair on men is still ok, but on a girl? she would get the title of a savage in the world we live in - whatever happened to the saying "beauty is only skin deep" - looks these days are everything!

Jay said...

Agree with you.... having an Ape man at home..... !!!!!