Monday, February 7, 2011

The Robots have taken over!

A belated Happy New year to all. To those of you who are still hanging on to their New Year resolutions, good job and kudos for being persistent. For the rest of us, there is always going to be another New Year!

The New Year has brought in a lot of comments on my blog post and in case you are wondering why its not showing up after the posts, it is because they are all written by spam robots. I am happy that machines appreciate my thoughts and have a weird sense of humor, but its not the kind of messages I would like in my inbox. With the likes of Facebook and Twitter, you can never be too alone, even if you wanted to.

So hello again to all the readers who are still subscribed to my feed and let me tell you that it was never my intention to abandon this space or your curiosity in knowing my brain content. Everything you see in the blog title was still going on, I just could not muster up enough time and resources to publish it. When I reviewed this space last week, it gave me the feeling of going to school when it is closed - you see the classrooms and are reminded of all the heated discussions, fun and activity that once was - and you crave for having it back.

So here is my first step in satisfying that craving. When you have some time to spare, drop in a line, scribble 'hi' and I shall be obliged and happy.

And to the robots reading this - No, I am not interested in getting medicines from Canada.Nor am I interested in seeing you naked on your webcam. Most certainly, I am not interested in enlarging the size of my privates.So quit stalking me.

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