Monday, November 7, 2011

Milestone Check

Milestones are important for various reasons. Of course, it tells you how far your destination is, but I am more interested in knowing how far I have traveled.  A reflection on the path so far, a guess on how it will be from now on - all follows.

I have not kept my support and admiration for Obama a secret. So it was not surprising when someone asked me about how my support for Obama was doing, a year before the elections. Sure, I am disappointed that all my assumptions about him did not bear fruit, but he cannot be held accountable for the little garden I had built in my head for a more peaceful, tolerant world.

  • Passed healthcare reform even with obstruction from the blue "dog(s)" democrats.
  • Got Osama in the head while making fun of opposition leaders at the White House press corps dinner event.
  • Repealed "Don't ask, Don't tell".
  • Credit Card reform, Student Loan reform enacted.
  • Got Awlaki without having a soldier step on Libyan land.
  • Initiated withdrawal from Iraq.

And many other things that moves mankind forward - even though inch by inch.

So "How is the hope and change stuff working for you"  you ask?

Very well, thank you.

Now, on to the reelection  campaign of 2012.