Friday, March 5, 2010

Hail to the curves!

If you enjoy driving, would you have more fun driving a road with curves or a straight road? I thought so too.Yeah, as said before - "Straight roads are for fast cars, but curvy roads are for fast drivers".

But this post is not about roads. Or cars. Or cars on curvy roads. This is my official outrage post on the obsession that the media and the fashion industry have with sticky thin women. Where are the curves? The biggest moneymaker tag line for ads these days is "Lose Weight". The corporations are arming us up with shoes, equipment, motivation and even yogurt to fight the fat. Now I am not losing sight of the obesity epidemic we have in this country. I realize that if I keep up my current eating and drinking habits, I will be part of it. But what is wrong with healthy, curvaceous figures? Why would someone lose their chiseled curves (and working hard at it, mind you) to achieve a straight line with no details attached to it? Aren't humans supposed to be the most evolved of all species? If so, I am sure the curves have evolved as evidence of nature's belief that these will indeed guarantee the survival of the human race. At this pace, the ramps of fashion shows may as well be built by cardboard in a couple of years.

When I turn on the news, the news anchor has her cheekbones  and collarbones protruding out of the TV, screaming for attention. So instead of thinking "what's up with the world?", I am thinking "why won't somebody feed this woman?". When I was on the verge of entering my teen years, I would sneak out to watch hollywood movies to watch the lovemaking scenes which were not present in Indian movies. Now that I can go to one these movies or rent it on my own free will (or to be more clear, whenever my wife lets me), I cannot tell the difference between the guy and the girl (To the couple of naughty readers, no, I wasn't watching "Brokeback Mountain").

The next time you walk around, pinch yourself whenever you see or hear "low fat" or "no fat" - I bet you cannot play that game long enough to get you through your day. There is a mad rush to get to size "zero", but sadly, when people reach that size, they look more like a "one". So all you models and movie stars wondering why your partner left you for a more "real" woman, there lies the real answer. (Ok, Ok I do realize that not many models or movie stars read my blog - but I am just sayin').

Yes, I like my car with a stick shift, my rice with gravy and my women, curvy. (I know it sounds too cheesy, but it rhymed so well I could not let go of it). I am married, so I am not on the lookout for more women - but you get the point. Really, I am not (Honey, you should be reading this). And I apologize to folks who saw a ray of hope.

So here's to hoping that curvy models will make a comeback and we will see more healthy people in our day to day life. The day is not far off - it is the same day we will be receiving Universal Health Care.( Ha Ha)

P.S - Take a look at this  - "Bald model opens Fashion Show". Now that they have got rid of the fat, they are coming after your hair. Run!


Jay said...

Good to see you back. Thanks for writing on this very sensitive topic, as far as some women are concerned. There is always the stigma of feeling that you are at a disadvantage for being 'big' and 'curvaceous'. As long as the health aspect is taken care off - BIG IS BEAUTIFUL !!! Personally, I know my husband wouldn't like it any other way !! ;)

UL said...

OMG!!! I shouldn't be reading your posts at work...I crack up so bad, the rest of the office runs to me to share the joke :)

Jokes aside...I like fast cars, straight roads and no I dont like driving on a daily basis...though I love roadtrips...:) I hate curly curvy roads...but i do agree curves look good on women...not FAT! Skinny I dont like, but neither does FAT! Since perfect isn't an option, not with h umans anyway...I think I would give more weightage on the disposition of a person than physical looks - that applies to men too...

Scribbler said...

@Jay - ahem..good to know you guys are having fun! ;)

@UL - Wow, you must be having a loud laugh to get all your colleagues to run up to your office. Jokes aside, yes I do agree on what you said (except for curvy roads) and yes, we should leave the curves where they look best!

shadkam77 said...
