Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My annoyance list for the year end

Its not surprising that when the year is winding down to a close, you spot lists at all possible places - best people, worst people, best cars, worst news stories - you get the point. I think the reason they are popular is because its an articulate way of asking "Do you remember this time when..?" and we go - "oooooh yeah I remember!"

To avoid falling off the bandwagon, I thought I would compile a list of my own - no , they are not best or worsts, but just annoyances that one has to deal with while treading the natural terrains of life. And they are year, age and gender agnostic. So here goes...

  • Friends calling up asking for a recommendation and then turning the tables on you. The story begins when they call up asking your recommendation on something they want to buy (like a DVD player, TV or something similar). So you start with what you own and why you bought it and then go on to explain why you like it. That is when they turn all "Simon" on you. Barrage of questions follow - "Did you know it had this fault?", "On the product web page, I read so many bad reviews - Did you read those"?, "How come you paid so much for that? I did some research and found out that you can get it for much less". My mental response - "Well buddy, some of us just want to get the stuff we want instead of wasting time ridiculing your friends about their choices.". My actual response - "Yeah I guess I did not do enough research, looks like you are an expert on this" and ending the conversation to the sound of their victory smirk.
  • Grownups who mimic baby talk when talking to babies. Imagine this - You had a bad fall and broke a leg. After physiotherapy, you are slowly trying to walk in a normal fashion - and everyone in your house limps and imitates your walk thinking they can communicate better. Yeah - that.would.be.TERRIBLE. I am no pediatrician or child expert, but I think what is going on in the baby's mind is this - "Come on, can you give me a break here? I get it, my speech is not as perfect as yours, but you don't have to make those funny lip movements and tongue twists to talk to me- Maybe you haven't noticed, my ears are just fine!"
  • Car owners who register their cars as "my {Insert premium car name here}". OK, so you had the guts or the money to get a brand name car. But that doesn't make the rest of us any less owners of our cars. I imagine you don't have a big "My House" in front of your house or your spouse does not have "My spouse" tattooed on her forehead - so why make an exception for the car?
  • Folks who act surprised when you get a new piece of information. "Oh you did not know that?", they say, with their eyebrows up to their hairline. "It's been that way since way back when.." and the surprise morphs into contempt and sympathy for your lack of upkeep in worldly events. Where is the empathy for the busy lives of others? If I could express my opinion (well, I will - last time I checked, this was still MY Blog - refer previous bullet point :-)), let me say this - "Look, I don't know what kind of purposeless life you live, but, I have to pay attention to my job, life and family, so a little delay in getting irrelevant information can't hurt me that much."
  • White bath appliances. Who ever came up with the idea? Every little dust particle, every speck of calcium eventually translates into hours of cleaning to be done by us mere mortals. Plus, if it were a darker color, I could see all the gray hair falling off instead of worrying about hair loss. At this age, I am sure small reassurances like that could calm me down a bit now and then.
  • God complex owners who use their middle finger on every occasion. Just because it is attached to your body and you can lift it up without added effort, does not make the gesture more socially acceptable. (Guys, get the analogy I am trying to make here?) Of course, we could retaliate by mirroring it, but that would defeat the purpose - like waging a war to achieve peace.
  • Finally, blog posts like these that spew anger and annoyance. I see them propping up more and more on the web nowadays - as more surfers venture into the ocean of blogs and the Internet. There is so much love to pass around in the world, why would you want to crib about things that cause displeasure just to you? Ain't that pigeonholing?
Joy and Peace to the World!


UL said...

I am grinning over this list - makes me wonder what my biggest annoyance would be. Long winded answers to a straight forward question often annoys me, esp. all the answer requires is a simple "yes" or "no"...Beating around the bush, indicating that the answer would be positive and then turning round at the last minute and offering a negative sure makes me mad. Esp. when it is close family and friends doing it...but it also makes me wonder why I care so much, if I didn't have any expecatations to begin with I wouldn't be so annoyed would I? Now you have made me think...as usual. Thanks :)

Scribbler said...


true, that is indeed annoying.

Now, this could be a post I could be proud of - it brought a smile and made the person think!

Thanks for the comment.