Monday, July 12, 2010

Waking up.

My head is heavy, eyes red and my vision - a little hazy. Such are the after effects of deep slumber. Sorry for the absence from this space. It was not intentional and and I was not wasting time - I got diverted into other projects and also spent more time with what makes me tick. All I am is a clockface - my kids and better half are the 3 hands on it that keep me ticking.

Meanwhile, thanks for all the queries asking if I was doing OK and when would this hibernation end? When people look at this space and do not find anything new, I do believe that I have done a disservice to them. Time is scarce for me, so why would it be different for other folks searching random blogs in the interwebs?

Right now, my mind is like a cluttered desk - random notes scattered everywhere and completely unorganized. I need to clean it up, get a pen and sit my big, lazy ass down to write. All while keeping in mind that I am but, a mere blogger with minimal impact on the world. But write I should, for the biggest impact it makes, is on me.

Now if you will excuse me while I go wash my face.


UL said...

good to see you up and about...expressing thoughts is an outlet - and i do enjoy reading others me less time to brood. it also makes me realize that i am not the only "one" in this whole wide world as my ego likes to think! so keep those thoughts coming.

Scribbler said...

@UL Thanks. Encouragement sure helps!

Jay said...

Realized I have been missing reading your blog, interesting reading...... !