Sunday, November 30, 2008

Born into a better world - Not!

Excuse me for the Borat style pun there, but it came to be for a reason. When my daughter was born, I started a post about how she was born into a better world; about how the world has changed for the better for women, how the debate on global warming had become a call for action; how the people of a democracy had chosen hope over fear.

All of it came to a halt abruptly when a mass of evil disguised as human beings terrified the city of Mumbai for 4 days. I disagree with people who call them "pure unadulterated evil" - I think its an oxymoron - pure and unadulterated should never be in the same context as evil. I parsed through all news reports and remained glued to the television - so I could fathom the other extreme of "angel". I have to say, there is no yard stick nor a tape measure in the world long enough to measure the amount of devilishness that was spewed by their actions.

I switched channels and then I saw the news story of a Walmart employee who was trampled under a group pf people looking for the best deal. I guess when the world is all about material love, good looks and the gloriousness of boasting about good deals, it is not so tough to choose between a "rollback" and a human life. My faith in humanity was dwindling fast like the stock market indicator of a crumbling economy.

Assuming that there are more good people in this world than bad people - why is it that bad deeds are way more in number and effective than good deeds? Here is what I think - Good people have great intentions, but they are never dedicated to their cause like the other clan, they never undergo training nor do they rehearse their plan of action and they never focus on how precise their deeds need to be. The good people have purpose, intention, prayers and goodwill, but never the resolve and persuasion that the people on the other end of their spectrum have - except of course, when the opposite forces meet eye to eye .

As a part of the good side of people, let us all create that energy, a sense of urgency, a determination to fight for a cause and raise awareness about it - the only difference being that this cause supports greater good. Think what we can do to educate the under educated, help people who support evil regimes because they are the only people who feed them and take care of them and spread the message about tolerance and the idea of human race as "one". Of course, your armor and ammunition is right in front of you - the computer. Click, search and read about volunteering, donating and stories of people who became the change they wanted to see. Then decide on a strategy, draw up an action plan and go about executing it.

If all the good people upgraded their intentions and deeds to actions, one day some dad will be able to post a blog about how his baby was born into a better world than what he was born into. Lets at least give it a try - I am sure he will be thankful.

Furiously yours.

P.S. I hope when the Indian NSG was pointing his gun at the terrorist for the final assault, this thought came to him at least for a nanosecond - "Don't let the door hit you on your way out of this world - Don't even think of a reincarnation; I, WILL MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T HAPPEN."


anamika said...

Hmm! Sad indeed! Interesting comparison of the good vs bad! I too feel like agreeing - may be, the good do not have the kind of determination as the bad have!

Scribbler said...

Thanks for the comment!
Plus, I think bad deeds get a lot more publicity than good deeds - which explains why everyone remembers a horrific act of humanity but not a good deed.

UL said...

You are right, bad news travel faster than the good, but life is such- good and bad go hand in hand right? It is always about opposites is it not? Quite sad that we live in times which are bad(and then again I wonder if it is really that bad..) and I sure dont wanna imagine what it would be like when my kid hits my age. All we can do is hope for the best and lead them in the right track as best as we could. Protection is not in our hands..they will live and learn for themselves...human nature, innit?