Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fireflies in a jar

Lights shone bright, music played crisp and his mood was elated. As he hummed  to the tune of the song that was being played, his hands kept going in and out of the small bag of chips he had on his lap. If he had paused for a moment and had a thought, that would have been "How could this moment get any better?".

And then, the lights went out.

Instantly, he was kicked out of his comfort zone. The bag of chips ceased to be a guilty pleasure. As he waddled through the dark corners of the room, he saw a small beam of amber light coming from a corner. He approached the source of that light swiftly, and as he turned the corner, he was delighted to find out what it was.

It was a jar of fireflies. He opened the lid and the fireflies flew out, lighting up his room. There he was, laying down again, being reminded of a night when the sky was clear and the stars shone bright. He then thought to himself - "How could this moment get any better?".

Come to think of it, isn't that how true friends are in life? They may seem insignificant or worthless when everything around you is bright and joyful. But then, when things go dark in your life, they come out and shine a light, however small, to instantly rid you of your phobias.

So get your jar if you don't have one already, and start collecting. Load up your quiver with more arrows to fight the uncertainties and unfortunate events in your life. The war of life will happen nonetheless, but you will be sufficiently armed for the onslaught. And carry the jar close to your heart as you hustle through the busy streets of life - who knows when you might need to turn the lid open? That scary dark street might be just a corner away.

P.S - I owe the conception of this thought stream to this lovely song - I recommend taking a hear when you have some time to spare.

1 comment:

Jay said...

Loved this blog as it brought out my sentiments to a very large extent. The thought of the fireflies gives a feeling of warmth in the heart and for some reason I feel very secure. Excellent.