Monday, April 6, 2009

The merryman cometh

Happiness has the mind of a maverick. Sometimes it plays hard to get, sometimes it plays hide and seek, and sometimes it is elusive. But when we find it, we try to hold on to it so tight that it escapes at the slightest chance it gets.

Rather than holding tight on to it, I usually just say hi and hello and keep a small distance so as not to break any private space that it deserves. Consider it as a motive to keep it a arms length to be called upon anytime. I don't give it a shape either (like if I do this, I will be happy), I just recognize it when I see it. I classify my happiness as the merryman, who meets me at various nooks and corners of my life and always leaves me wanting for more.

Some people like their merryman to be a short distance runner - achieving great happiness that has a short running time. This is usually not recommended as the means are often harmaful or borderline criminal. (Smoking weed, running ponzi schemes or indulging in blind ideology). Others like their merryman to be a marathon runner, slowly but surely gathering pace and lasting for a long period of time. (Hardwork, corporate ladder climbing, building up a profitable business). The merryman usually has long term relationships with them as well, but they usually don't make it into the celebrity list or the most famous person's list.

I try to meet happiness everyday - it may be in the slightest of event like a happy child or in a large dose like spending quality time with the ones you love most. At the end of the day if I think I have not achieved anything - I think - this is now, I am here and I am ready to take on another new day of my life! Ah, there it is - the happiness in sheer optimism! The merryman does take holidays though - during times when loved ones are lost and during times when serious health issues surface. I imagine him to be like a postman - drops in everyday (except on holidays as I mentioned before), drops envelopes big and small, and leaves me to figure out the value of each piece of mail my life has to offer.

So build yourself a merryman and try to meet him everyday. He has unpredictable timing, so keep on the lookout and if you think you have not met him today, think again - you might have missed him in the crowd of your other emotions - its just that he did not wear the bright red uniform today that usually gets him noticed.

When did I meet my merryman today, you ask? Just about a few minutes back when I was almost done with this post that I have been thinking of posting for couple of days now. How does he look? Well, I say he dresses up differently for everyone, so I am not going to spoil the surprise for you! You will have to see for yourself.


UL said...

Thank you for making my day, Mr Merryman... such wisdom expressed in layman terms sure leaves a mark....I seem to be agreeing with you a lot in the last few posts, now I need a debate topic :) Happy holidays to you and the family - Well, happy Easter, if you dont have holidays...

Scribbler said...

@UL - your comment sure made me smile as well!
Thanks for the wishes.