Thursday, September 25, 2008

The "Whorification" of American Mainstream Media

According to the merriam-webster online dictionary, the third entry for the word "whore" is a venal (capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration) or an unscrupulous (unprincipled) person. Unfortunately, that is what the American mainstream media has embodied itself to be in modern times. From the "embedded" coverage of the second Iraq war (Testosterone oozing out of some journalists embedded in those Abrams tanks - a pure one sided coverage of news while being in the comfort zone of protection by the troops) to the most recent coverage of the American economic crisis(where the money honeys were asking "so how do you feel?" to the guy who just got laid off from Lehman brothers), the media has just become a sounding box for anyone who claims to be a "pundit" or a "strategist". Though all the talking heads repeat the words "we report - you decide", anyone watching can attest to the fact that what flows is just a plethora of opinions - some personal, some derivative, and some, based on pure hypothesis.

Today's technology has replaced the delivery mechanism of television from what we used to know as "public airwaves" with cable and satellite transmissions. When good old "public airwaves" were being used, the broadcasting agencies had a responsibility to the public - deliver news and analysis to keep the wheels of democracy turning. Long gone are those days where "responsibility to the public" mattered. All that media caters to are large corporations and the blind ambition to turn in more cha-ching.

The other day, I saw a network transform from "The best political team on television" to "The hurricane headquarters" in a matter of minutes based on a satellite image that gave away an approaching hurricane. To my surprise, it was the same team - now that's what I call a real transformation (So long, Transformer action figures!). What they are good at, is airing a wonderful menagerie of images and utilizing the greatest in technology (can somebody say surface computing and satellite video phones?) to deliver their so called "breaking news". The only thing that it is breaking is the common man's intellect and ability to think in the objective sense. The networks invent another side of every story in the interest of making it "fair and balanced". I think it is fair to say that sometimes, the story need not have another side; they are either morally right or wrong. Would they have brought in Al Qaieda to talk about their view point on the 911 attacks? That would make absolutely no sense since the attacks were wrong - from every point of view. Talking about fair and balanced, isn't it a national shame that Fox(spelt F-A-L-S-E) is still recognized as a real news network?

Where are the hard hitting questions? Why is investigative journalism an alien concept? You may think they could be put on the endangered species list, but if you watch carefully, you will find they are alive, well and thriving in the segments where the lives of celebrities and socialists are chronicled. The new breed of analysts include a former sportscaster, a former Miss New Hampshire and a former music DJ. Now, I am not suggesting that being one of these undermine their analytical capabilities, but it sure looks like being an analyst was not their number one priority. It seems to be dream job ambrosia - they get to wear pretty clothes, look good, invite random pundits and strategists and ask questions (that have everything but substance) to each of the heads in the "talking boxes" (I remember being excited on discovering "picture-in-picture" television, but never fathomed that it would come to this sorry state). Analysts were introduced in the early days of television to think, and ask questions to people who shaped policies and influenced public thought (what the average Joe could not do).The role reversal has been dramatic of late - the average joes are starting blogs, going on fact finding missions and exposing lies and false statements - "in your face reporting" as I would like to call it; while the analyst has undergone metamorphism into average joe.

Here's an experiment you can try. Watch an advertisement segment between two cycles of media content. Then keep track of how many ads cater to you (the average American consumer). To your surprise you will find very few. Last time I tried it, I counted only two - one I don't need to buy yet(Viagra), and the other, I cannot afford to buy yet (Benz CLK). The rest of them were for Energy companies, transportation companies and one for American chemistry(what?). I don't know about you, but I am certainly not going to Walgreens and order me some ConocoPhilps, Clean coal energy or demand that I need goods from the CSX train company. So therein lies the actual question - why are these companies funneling dollars into the news networks telling us about how they are the custodians of our future and how they are trying their best to keep the environment clean? Irony, it seems, is the underlying theme of their campaign - or it could be to influence news coverage best fitted to their corporate agenda. Who am I to judge? I am just an average guy watching the "idiot box" - except this time around, the idiots are at both ends.

So clearly, it can be deduced that journalism in its true sense, is dying and the networks are in bed with corporations, energy companies and special interests. So it should not be a surprise why real reporters are fleeing from the so called "Mainstream Media" to places where journalism is still alive(link) or prefer to do more "field reporting".

Remember, it is all a quest for your eyeballs - viewership is king - so make sure you watch what you need to watch and skip the ones that are disguised as journalism, thereby bringing soul into their lifeless, yet attractive, money hogging body.


procrastinated emancipation said...

Satire is becoming the most effective form of journalism. That is why informed people are flocking to the Daily show and the Colbert Report rather than the mainstream channels. It is no suprise that Jon Stewart tied in the rankings with anchormen Brian Williams, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather and Anderson Cooper and is #4 in the list of most admired journalists. A 'fake news' anchor tied with real news anchors. Now that should tell you something about the mainstream news media.

UL said...

you are right in that there is a lot of media out there which is junk, but there is a few out there that are good too, i am not much of a telly person, though i do listen to the radio quite a bit on my commute to work and back, and i find NPR( gives an unbiased opinion quite often...the current situations, both the bailout and election, does call for truth to the general public, but for one who wants to really hear the truth...there's a lot of choices -esp. if you know where to look.

Scribbler said...

@pro. eman. - Or it could be the other way - people dont view news as serious business anymore, its more akin to infotainment a-dn so when presented with humour and a splash, people turn in and admire those anchors - who are not journalists. Don't get me wrong though, I am a regular watcher of "The Daily Show" and "Colbert Report".

@UL - That is exactly my point UL - To get the truth, people have to look around for true sources (NPR or foreign media in most cases). The telly is what "Mainstream Media" is nowadays and people think "it ain't true if they did not show it on TV". The dwindling audience of radio is what has led to it not being too commercialized; but grants to NPR and similar public radio stations are on the decline, so who knows how long we will have those as true news outlets? I get all my news online and from the radio these days which helps me to call out the bluffs they spew on the telly.

UL said...

Hi Sunil, thanks for stopping by with your comment. The way I see it knowledge/truth cannot be suppressed, stopped. Wont you agree? Therefore, I dont think there will ever come a time when good news outlets would just up and die...

There will be other ways to spread information. Just like you said - through online means for example. And people cannot be blinded forever. When a true crisis occurs people will go out of their way to dissect and learn more. The same will occur with the Mainstream Media too, the junk ones would eventually find their fates. The general public already knows how biased some of the channels like FOX are ...

..the good ones will rise. As long as there's the freedom of the press, I doubt "whorification" as you call it would occur.

Well, I enjoyed this discussion, nice to hear your viewpoint. Keep writing more.

Scribbler said...

@UL - all good points - though I think if we wait for the good to arise, it will be too late. "Whorification" has already happened, it has to be called out on a grassroots level - the difference between being proactive and reactive being "damage already done".

Great debate we have here. Thanks for putting in your thoughts and time. Really, really appreciate it.